Your friends are your needs answered;
They are your field which you sow
With Love and harvest with thanksgiving
Friends provide drink and sustenance
When you suffer with hunger and thirst
When friends speak their minds you fear not;
Saying “No”, nor withhold saying “Yes”
When friends are silent;
Your heart need not cease listening to their heart
Without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires,
All expectations are born and shared, with joy unbound
Let their be no purpose in friendship save
The deepening of your spiritual connection
Always give the best of who you are and what you have to friends,
As it is for them to fill your needs, not just your emptiness
Seek not friends for hours to kill, rather for hours to live;
For within friendship there is laughter, mirth and pleasure
When parting from friends, grieve not;
For that which you love most in them may
Be clearer in their absence
friendship as with love seeks nothing save disclosure of its own mystery
“True friendship”
Is found in the smallest acts of love and kindness
(Inspired by the brilliance of Kahlil Gibran)