Sunday, January 29, 2012


Zeus/Jupiter sent chaos to Earth
Comet Athena with her fiery tail
Had Aries chosen not intervene
Total destruction might entail

Aries fought valiantly (to his demise)
For the fate of Earth was in his hands
Earthlings gazed up at angry skies
At a battle between two firebrands

Came a flood, the Earth did quake
Islands sank n’ mountains rose
With lives of all living things at stake
Aries cast forth a volley of arrows

A pierced Athena did finally withdraw
Waters receded n’ earthquakes ceased
Survivors wailed, cried n’ stood in awe;
For South was North n’ West was East

Zeus placed the wounded warriors in orbit
Commanded “Move thee ‘round the Sun”
Athena became Venus (The Morning Star)
Aries (devoid of life) became Mars (in isolation)

Man’s memory of these past events did fade;
Except as legend of an ancient cosmic escapade

(Inspired by IV)


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


 He strode toward the podium
Confident n' smiling broadly;

As before...he spoke of change
For good folks like you n' me
Hollow words, distant n' strange
Sugared lies 'twas plain to see

He promised reform n' justice
Promised jobs n' lower taxes
Promised to hold banks accountable
Whilst Neo-Cons honed battle axes

He promised to work with red n' blues
Promised to repair bridges, highways n' streets
Promised to unite Muslims, Christians n' Jews
Promised to keep Zion nursing on U.S. teats

Promises...promises so carefully selected
False promises, that he may be re-elected

(Obama's second term yielded very little)


Night frost shimmers on lighted streets
Our hot breath billows white clouds
neon marquis greets

Patrons entering “Aladdin Theater”, (past its prime)
Outlived its peers, impervious to time

Tickets bought, blue stamp on left hand,
Walk down aisle, past a busy stagehand

Soft music playing as we claim a front row seat
Take a metal backed chair on a floor of concrete

We're early, there’s time to connect with friends
House lights go dim...the chatter ends

Haunting sounds, soft music begins to play
A gentle voice sings not far away

With confident strides Lady Jane takes center stage
Exuding beauty, grace like from some distant age

Her melodious voice commands time to stand still
Vibrations move within, my senses drink their fill

With mystery and magic from a Priestess beheld
She speaks of today’s children wisely compelled

To change world chaos with eyes that can see
She speaks of what they must do so all can just Be

She speaks of oneness with compassion and love,
Akashic wisdom channeled from whispers above

She speaks of the freedom of simplifying her life
By cutting out possessions with an invisible knife

I close my eyes, roll them up, so third eye can see
Lady Jane’s final message to my brethren and me

'Love one-another and be separate no more,
For love is the answer to end strife and war'

My eyes then opened fresh and anew
Consciousness soaring, “Oh What a view”

Jane asks us, “Will you marry me, for the rest of your life? '
We answer “Yes", Goddess, Madonna, mother and wife”

For you’re “The Bride of the Ages” since before time began
From the time before “The Patriarchy” imposed a stern ban

By suppressing female aspects in women and men
With the slash of a sword and the stroke of a pen

Began the erosion of man's soul, a perilous trend
The times is at hand for the madness end......
(Dedicated to Jane Siberry)


Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Quick response may save disaster
To stop a war between East n' West
Both sides...
Seek prove respective God the true master
Millions of lives the Generals prepare invest
Those trained to kill at their behest

The clock moves closer to eleventh hour
After which there will be no turning back
When West n' Zion unleash their deadly power
Skies over Middle East shall turn sooty black

Globe ignites, lest sewn “A stitch in time”
Nations' must unite to stop a heinous crime


Monday, January 16, 2012


Are you feeling out of sorts?
Absent minded n’ confused?
Your foundation lost support?
Feeling battered n’ abused?

Are friends n’ family sleepwalking?
Oblivious to what’s going on?
Unaware of what their talking,
By re-living times bygone?

You ask, “How can we prepare?”
“How can I make a difference?”
Who’ll stop this ongoing nightmare?
Please do not look at me askance!

You may see my words as bickering,
The simple truth is;
Mother Earth is "Quickening”


Tuesday, January 10, 2012


“Honored Citizens” take to the street
In support of “Ninety Nine percent”
They’re worried about a “1929” repeat,
Of “Great Depression” they underwent


Sunday, January 01, 2012


4000 n' 20 blackbirds fell from sky
A repeat of New Years Eve in 2011

Media said “Caused by fireworks”

Oh yeah n' “Pigs can fly”...

And only the faithful go to heaven


Dead blackbirds repeat of last New Years Eve