Monday, December 30, 2013


Look up!
You shall soon ascertain
Fireballs fall like cosmic rain;
Debris from the Comet ISON
After goin ‘round central sun


Saturday, December 28, 2013


Christmas comes but once a year;
A time for family and good cheer
Though some may be far far away
Hearts unite on Christmas day!



Trouble here;
Trouble there
In this world,
Gone insane

I give up
I don’t care;
Get me off,
This train


Sunday, December 22, 2013


There once lived an evil king,
In the ancient “Land of Nod”
Lived a life of splendor,
Wore murdered father’s signet ring

Self proclaimed demi-god;
Tribute came from near ‘n far
Was greatly feared;
For being cruel ‘n unjust
He never spared “The rod”
One day to Nod;
A stranger came
To call upon the king
Regal ‘n handsome,
With hint of danger
“My Lord I come from afar”
My name is Thoth!

Thoth spoke these words;
“Being  immortal for many ages,
I’ve seen the rise ‘n fall
Of many kingdoms,
Verily I say to you;
My book has many pages”
“Majesty I bring glad tidings
‘Lest thou refuse me heed;
Free thy subjects from harsh bindings,
Heal old wounds that still do bleed”

“Provide shelter; clothe ‘n feed the destitute
Pay well those of able body for their toil,
Let all who work this land bear fruit
Ensure that every lamp be full of oil”
“Act now;
This land shall truly flourish;
For a thousand generations!
Through the love of a grateful many;
Thy hungry soul shall surely nourish”
A flash of anger crossed the king’s face
“Who is Thoth, to tell me what to do?”
“Before my court I’ll put this man in his place.”
“I’ll punish him, (although his words be true.)
Thoth stood before King Exxidar in silence;
 Sunlight thru yonder pane shone upon his face
With lowered eyes Thoth showed compliance
He knew humbling before a king was no disgrace
Exxidar’s mouth went from frown to smile;
He knew by Thoth his rule had been tested
There was nothing in this man he could revile
The king knew with Thoth he had been bested
The king raised his voice, and did decree
“Stay a while, my Sage and counsel me”


Sunday, December 08, 2013


She walked in truth ‘n beauty
“Motherhood” her heart-felt duty
At last her precious soul took flight
Her bright ‘n “Living sunlight”


(For J.S.)

Saturday, November 30, 2013


Beware brethren;
 Something wicked this way comes!
There will be no place to hide or run;
When heard blare of trumpets ‘n drums
Purification of Earth by “Second Sun”
 As before,
“Order out of chaos”


Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Some repeat the sins of “Dad”.
Because they think Dad a demi- god?
Without remorse, do harm and bad,
And fail to see misdeeds as flawed?


Takes more energy to hate,
Than to love I must confess;
Love is what makes us great,
In is effortless

Monday, November 11, 2013


Most care not for what’s amiss,
Content to live in ignorant bliss!
Until disaster comes a calling;
They’ll remain “Sleepwalkers”,
Edging toward “The great abyss”


Saturday, November 02, 2013


Evil intent is what drove ravenous mice,
To lie, cheat, steal, using plans precise!
After the elephant fattened on GMOs;
The mice devoured the hapless,
Pachyderm from trunk to toes

Ban Monsanto products...


Calls “Mom” for need of tow
Full of shame ‘n deep regret

Like a car without an engine
He’s just a; “Show, but no go”
Shiny Faux Corvette



Saturday, September 07, 2013


Race to war, fraught with lies
Allies abandon Obama’s ship
Will Congress “Rubber stamp”,
To further Zion wicked script?



Syria: a vote of no-confidence in the President
Syria: a vote of no-confidence in the President
by Jon Rappoport
September 7, 2013
As members of Congress reveal that calls to their offices are overwhelmingly against the war, and the House considers it may not vote at all, in order to spare Obama embarrassment, we can see a version of what refusing to vote for a president on election day looks like.
It looks like: no-confidence.
Every four years, I write about this possibility. Suppose only 19% of eligible voters showed up at the polls. It would speak loudly: The American people no longer trust the major candidates. They no longer trust the charade. They no longer trust the vote-count. They know both major candidates work for the same Globalist machine.
Well, here it is. On the issue of the war.
I'm not saying the Congress will reject war. They may go ahead and drive the steamroller over the people. But it's getting a little hairy for them.
And remember this. The media play any significant presidential victory as a signal that all his programs and plans are getting a boost. But on the flip side, that means a significant failure, in full view of the country, will register---despite the hype and explanations---as a weakening of his overall standing.
Washington DC registers such shifts in power like starving dogs smelling bloody meat. They attack.
War is supposed to be such a big deal that it's a foregone conclusion, if the President wants it. He either sends the planes on his own, or Congress rubber stamps his position first. But this time, it's different.
This time it's: do we believe the President and his "evidence" and his claim that he's taking the moral high ground; or don't we. The question is in plain sight. It's out there for all to see.
The push to war is such an obvious fabrication, only a complete fool or a dyed-in-the-wool Obama believer would opt for attacking Syria. The hypnotic Obama bubble is bursting, even for many of the faith.
In my last article on Syria, I pointed out that the super-secret Congressional intell briefing was a sham. It was all generality and no hard evidence. It was basically arm twisting.
So what's left? Nothing. "Do what the President wants you to do."
If Congress says yes, they'll go down deeper into the dumper with Obama. These barnacles on the body politic can do one thing: assess self-interest and electability. They're thinking about it.
They're in the pressure cooker.
Taking a step you think Obama woke up one day and said, "Hold on here. Assad just used chemical weapons on his own people. I have to take action. I have to punish him."
Of course not. This idea came from somewhere else. It's been on the table for years, as part of a Middle East strategy to destabilize the whole region. It's, on one level, a Mossad-CIA plan, with a Saudi twist. On a higher level, it's a Globalist operation, whose end game is order from chaos.
Partition nations into warring ethnic enclaves, disrupt the oil flow, create, therefore, planet-wide depression, and come in behind that to install new fascist dictator-puppets, bringing in international banksters to "re-finance" the whole region and own it from the ground up.
Obama is just another renter in the White House, playing the cards he was dealt. He goes along with the show, introducing his own prejudices, like any other President, and takes what he can get.
He's no magic man, and now his juice is running out.
A no-confidence vote against war on Syria could, however, expand to mean no-confidence in any White House occupant from the two major parties.
Waking up is hard to do, but if the American people keep their eyes open, they'll see that this Syria escapade is just one more example of an agenda that betrays any sane person's idea of what America is supposed to be.
The only kind of transcendent President, in these times, would be one who, after a year or so in office, would hold a press conference and say, "I've learned I'm being run. Men are controlling the office of President. I'm supposed to take their orders. Here is what I know about them. Here are their names. Here is what they told me. Here is how they're trying to coerce me. This is the story, the real story about what has happened to this country..."
To which people might say, "How could a President do that? They'd kill him."
Exactly. That's why I used the word "transcendent."
Every American President sends soldiers to their deaths, and he kills people in distant countries. To be "transcendent" is to put his own life on the line, too.
That should give you some idea about why no-votes signaling no confidence in Presidents are vital. None of them will go as far as necessary to blow the cover on who really runs this nation.
Jon Rappoport


For decades a pugnacious hawk
Supporting war ‘round the globe
A little man and wannabe jock,
McCain must lack a frontal lobe

 Image result for john mccain

Wednesday, September 04, 2013


Sips a latte’, nibbles a scone
Launches drones by telephone
Grim Reaper keeps kill score;
Then Obama tells another lie,
And orders-up another war!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


“The inward kingdom of heaven is accomplished as soon as the wordless, meditation- and religion-free connection is made to God. It is the moment when God breathes you and you breathe God. In this sacred moment, when you will become aware that God possesses you wholly, you will realize that you also possess God completely. Any doubt disappears, every question meaningless to you, every search ends.  You have found what you’ve always known!”
Archangel Michael
Transcribed by ROTMS

Wednesday, August 07, 2013


You may wonder, or suppose
Why I rhyme ‘stead of prose
I welcome challenges you see,
With ready mind ‘n repartee

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Bankers’ scheme and did exploit;
Reaped profits from failed economy
First city to fall, Michigan’s Detroit
Broken/stripped of her autonomy


Thursday, July 11, 2013


Some fat people insulate;
By wearing protective armor,
To avoid more sexual abuse
They mask outer beauty,
To protect inner beauty!


Friday, July 05, 2013


Time is right to gain solution,
Restore again what used to be
Through bloodless revolution,
To regain God Given liberty!


Thursday, July 04, 2013


God’s promise of “The Rapture”
A human mind cannot capture


Have not fear, or apprehension
You’ve but die, to gain ascension

For some souls;  

Spirits’ rise when trumpets sound
Fully conscious, of their bodies shed
Grateful, for “God’s Gift” profound;
Rejoice they will these wakened dead


Wednesday, June 26, 2013


"False flags" unfurl
Stories swirl
Stories without traction
Authorities inaction
It’s only spies
Telling lies!
People get,
No satisfaction


Sunday, June 23, 2013


I sit here and watch torrential rain;
Writing this rhyme instead of prose,
As you bask in sunlight of New Spain
Never wither my desert rose!



Why so many wars in the Middle East?
5 sovereign lands targeted, at least;
One by one devoured, by Western Beast
A thousand years of same “Crusade”?
“Wake up Amerika”…
It is plain to see, we’re being played!


Friday, June 07, 2013


 A word, with simple meaning
More affirmation than plea;
Tells which way a heart is leaning
A word pronounced; 


Sunday, June 02, 2013


Time/distance have no meaning;
When it comes to you and me,
Our love lives somewhere special,
Where hearts' and souls' run free!



We’ve explored the fullness of our beings;
Sailed crystal-blue waters of every ocean
Spoke our mind about diverse things
Laughed/cried, when came the notion
Yes, we’ve run the gamut” dearest one,
You're, my Moon, and I'm your Sun



Saturday, May 25, 2013


Why do I love you so?
My answer…
Only God doth truly know!
I’ve loved you since time began;
No one dare challenge,
What two souls, once planned.
Love is simple, can’t they see!
I’m for you, and you’re for me


Sunday, April 14, 2013


“Unchained Melody”
Lulled us into a trance

The lyrics washed over us,
I held her close, we began to dance

Nearby a gentle wave,
Caressed the sandy beach

To these reluctant lovers,
The sea had much to teach

“Surrender” said Mother Ocean,
“Release all fear n’ doubt”

“I gift to you truth, n’ wisdom,
For love is what life is all about”

She melted into my arms,
Two lovers became as one;

She became my Moon,
And I her Central Sun…


Inspired by the hit “Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers

Image result for lovers on the beach at sunset