Sunday, March 31, 2013


‘Dem ‘rads, ‘dem ‘rads;
Will be the death of me!
Clog my lungs?
Shrink my ‘nads?
Give me “The Big C”?

‘Dem ‘rads, ‘dem ‘rads;
This fellow sings ‘n chirps
Trying to warn the other lads
‘Til we can stop “The Perps”

“Dem ‘rads, ‘dem ‘rads;
We’ll have to wait ‘n see,
If we end up poor nomads,
Wondering aimlessly

Japan Mox-self-nuked,
Now everyone’s fuked


Friday, March 29, 2013


God embraces all with “Love Divine”
Shimmering Shroud of Light Eternal!
Man’s Soul and Spirit again align,
Once divided factions wax fraternal


"Love is the energy field in which all of creation has its existence. It is powerful, mighty, wise and compassionate, and It willingly and enthusiastically hugs all who seek comfort in Its warm embrace. None are excluded, although many may at first feel unworthy and hang back. But no one is unworthy, and as this becomes apparent by Its indiscriminate and unconditional acceptance of all who approach It, those straggling or holding back will also approach and be swept up into the field of infinite, divine Love in which they were created."

Image result for god's light shines

Sunday, March 24, 2013


As a reckoning draws near
Something is happening!
My knowing soul tells me,
“There’s something greater than fear”

Fear’s nothing more than illusion
A wizard hiding behind a curtain;
Smoke n’ mirrors creating confusion,
Causing victims to feel uncertain

Mankind will finally see the reason;
They’ve been fooled for such a long time
For every great change there’s a season,
When truth and justice prevail over crime

‘Til then Brethren be of good cheer,
Keep close those whom you hold dear

* Quote: By Billy Corgan


Monday, March 18, 2013

Arch Bishop Jorge Mario Bergoglio

He condoned pedophilia and brutal military beasts
During his time as Arch Bishop in the land of Argentine
Turned his back when police tortured, killed two priests
Then hobnobbed with wealthy, acting like all was fine



Sunday, March 17, 2013


There is something happening on Mother Earth;
Mega-storms, shifting plates and violent quakes
“Behold I make things anew”, as She gives birth
Earth and Sun once again have raised the stakes

Plates shall shift releasing lethal methane gas
Insects, aquatic life, animals, and men perish
Souls of dead shall leave Earth en masse
Forever changed a home once cherished

Then everything shall burn when gas ignites
“Powers that be” try escape, in bunkers deep;
Stocked with foods and goods they plundered
They know not its misery and death they reap

When Earth rebirths, Sun holds back the light
It will be the “Evil deeds of men” they smite

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Saturday, March 09, 2013


Image result for bird feeders

Much can be said about Nancy’s birds;

One thing is for sure birds love to visit her cottage by the sea,
Because they know they are invited, welcomed guests,
Who partake of the many water bowls and feeders full of tasty seeds.

An aloof Stellar Jay presides from a high perch on the upper branches.
He sweeps down on the wrens, chickadees, sparrows every so often,
To restore order among them.

An occasional Rufous Sided Towhee flies in for a quick meal and the,
Hummingbirds always find an open perch to sip from the red feeders,
Full of sweet nectar lovingly concocted by their host.

Nancy leaves no creature unattended, as evidenced by;
The gray squirrels who noisily chatter whilst gathering peanuts,
(Scattered on the back porch), to supplement their acorn hoard high aloft.

Yes life is good at Nancy’s woodlot cottage, near Nehalem Bay.

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"Star Wars" was well under way,
When U.S. Generals would say;
"They shall never defeat us,
We will keep our enemies at bay,
When unleashed our HAARP array"


‘Dem Rads, ‘dem nasty rads;
Will be the death of me
Rads pickle my brains, fry my ‘nads
Will someone please help me?
To make matters worse (Sequestration?);

Friday, March 08, 2013


At age 104, after a life fully lived,
Long after my wife preceded me...
With full consciousness, I left my body
And one sunny day in early spring,
My children offered my ashes to the sea
Image result for conscious death


The body reacts
The ego chides
The mind thinks….
But the soul decides


Image result for soul decisions

Monday, March 04, 2013


City streets;
Are more alive than its walking dead,
Stumbling-along in a media-stupor!
Drugged on media-pap they’ve been spoon fed,
Totally oblivious to what lurks at their door

Herded/fattened sons’/daughters’ of moms’/dads’
Gullible parents who seek “The American dream”
Who are willing to sacrifice their young to war,
“The Fallen” who return in flag-draped-coffins,
Dead soldiers unable to hear mothers’ wail n’ scream

“Cheer up!”

“It’s not so bad” some may retort
“Love it or leave it” a few may chide
“Sit down, have a beer, be a good sport”
“Kick back, relax, and enjoy the ride”

We must ignore these ignorant remarks,
Spoken by those who have morphed into sheep
They have no idea they’re swimming with sharks
Unaware “What they’ve sown they shall reap”

Positive change comes when the sleeping awaken
The harvest comes when the plum tree is shaken


Image result for shake the plum tree

Sunday, March 03, 2013


I awoke one dark day and found;
The wealth of Earth was nearly gone
Stolen by greedy “Robber Barons”
The sun that day held back the dawn

The skies above were dark and strange
Creatures’ great ‘n small went mute n’ still
Aware an unseen hand would sow seeds of change
Whilst evil men still gorged n’ drank their fill

The Earth did groan and began to quake
Great rifts opened, water rushed everywhere
Lowlands filled and formed massive lakes
Self righteous men cried “It’s us God will spare”

Waters rose ‘til only mountain tops were showing
Those close enough made their way to higher ground
They knew not the flood would not stop flowing
‘Til everyone on Earth would surely drown…

As long ago when ignorant men refused to live in balance
Waters rose once more to meet their foolish challenge


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