Sunday, April 14, 2013


“Unchained Melody”
Lulled us into a trance

The lyrics washed over us,
I held her close, we began to dance

Nearby a gentle wave,
Caressed the sandy beach

To these reluctant lovers,
The sea had much to teach

“Surrender” said Mother Ocean,
“Release all fear n’ doubt”

“I gift to you truth, n’ wisdom,
For love is what life is all about”

She melted into my arms,
Two lovers became as one;

She became my Moon,
And I her Central Sun…


Inspired by the hit “Unchained Melody by the Righteous Brothers

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Thursday, April 11, 2013


Many Guantanamo prisoners remain uncharged
Protest imprisonment with lethal hunger strike
Navy says, “Strikes a ploy to disrupt the system”
Blaming the victims is what it really sounds like


Obama lied...
Close Guantanamo and release uncharged prisoners now!
Image result for guantanamo bay prisoners




Sunday, April 07, 2013


Time to wake up good people
Political assurances are hollow
Time to no longer be sheeple
Even though…
Truth may be a hard pill to swallow

Image result for truth is a bitter pill to swallow


Set aside all bias, doubt and idle fear  

As farmers unite in Northern hemisphere

Again plant hemp, as in “The days of old”

Growing crops more valuable than gold



Please watch the very entertaining video about how hemp can save the world and share this information with everyone you know.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Is Hemp a Miracle Plant That Can Save the World?

Article by Jeffrey Green

Activist Post

Hemp is perhaps the answer to most problems in the world. Ambitious, yes.  An exaggeration, no.

If grown extensively, its diverse uses can be of significant value to the environment, the economy, world hunger, personal health, and so much more.

For the environment, hemp can reduce deforestation, pesticide use, provide a sustainable bio-fuel, and replace GMO cotton among other benefits. It grows like a weed without the need for pesticides or heavy fertilizers.

Hemp does just about anything wood can do and it only takes 6 months to renew, not 20 years. It can be used to make paper, to build homes with, and as fuel for fire.

Hemp clothing is far more durable than cotton, which is an industry still operating a form of slavery from cultivation to production. GMO cotton has led to indentured servitude for Indian farmers where failed crops and debt result in shockingly high suicide rates. Hemp is simply a better material for clothing.

The oil in the hemp seed can be made into biodiesel just like any vegetable oil. Most arguments against biofuels are that their crops take up too much valuable farm land that should be used for food, and it takes more energy than it gives back when all things are considered (fertilizer, pesticides, planting and harvesting machinery, refining).
With hemp, bio-fuel is merely a bi-product of this crop, not it's main use. The fiber of the plant is still an extremely valuable commodity. Whereas corn ethanol needs a lot of land with tons of intensive chemicals, and the process of turning corn into ethanol is then a net energy loss.

As today's economy falters due to a variety of systematic problems, the world is in desperate need of a new industry. Worldwide hemp legalization and promotion would lead to a revolution in nearly all major industries. Entrepreneurs would have a field day with textiles, plastics, body care, construction, etc.

Industrial hemp's female counterpart, marijuana, provides effective natural medicine for a number of ailments. Cannabis is one of mankind's oldest recorded healing plants. As its prohibition lessens, modern man is only just beginning to discover the exciting medical uses of marijuana, which are provably vast already.

Cannabis can ease pain, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, PTSD, arthritis, and has even been proven to have anti-cancerous properties. When eaten or vaporized, cannabis is entirely beneficial as a natural alternative because any unwanted tars are not inhaled. Furthermore, juicing raw cannabis has many benefits and zero psychoactive effects.

Hemp alone is powerful enough to be a game changer for the environment and for human society as a whole. It's time to unleash the hemp seed.

Copyright Jeffrey Green