Tuesday, February 01, 2011


“On the Road”, “Naked Lunch”, “Howl”
Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs
In a hostile society they went afoul
Yet a nation's psyche they did furrow

Their words against oppression still live
Tyranny rampant then, still so today
A new wave of poets offer alternative
They strive to teach 'n show the way

It’s said;

“The more things change,
The more they stay the same”
True words that may sound strange
To a few who try to shift blame

Beat the drum of freedom ye Bards
Be fearless, move in a swift motion
Know that World needs Vanguards
Across all lands 'n ocean to ocean

I pray you not falter 'n stumble
Maintain balance and your goals
Ever thoughtful, peaceful, humble
Till redeemed all wayward souls

Write on!

Lay not down thine eager pens
Oh, mighty legion of brave poets
Of fine women 'n robust men


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