Sunday, May 22, 2011


Wonder why there are so many earthquakes?
The answer may not be what you expect
Why are so many States now giant lakes?
The answer; “Post glacial rebound effect”

World oceans over one foot have risen
Putting heavy pressure on tectonic plates
There is no way water can be kept in prison
As Earth expands, as water accommodates

Many islands n’ lowlands soon to suffer
As rising water begins to overwhelm
There shall be no relief or buffer
We must trust that God is at the helm

Be prudent n’ set aside essentials
For supermarkets’ one day may close
Demand will grow for bare essentials
Like food, medical supplies n’ clothes

The Feds have lied about global warming
When in fact the very opposite is true
They aggravate a planet already storming
Goading quakes, storms n’ volcanoes to spew

“They would never do that” you may say
“I trust the government to take care of me”
You know not there’s so much more at play
Since they fooled you into group conformity

Inform yourself no longer be “Sheeple”
Join the ranks again of “We the People”


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