Thursday, December 22, 2011


A star of snow fell one cold night
Firstborn of that Christmas Season
Perfect, unique, all swathed in white
To be a part of winter was his reason

The tiny star did not question fate
Although amidst a billion others
He did his very best to acclimate
Alongside his sisters n’ brothers

Harsh storms came n’ went
The little snowflake was in awe
At long last the storms were spent
All welcomed back spring thaw

The melting star cried out with glee
“Hooray! I’ll be returning to the sea”


(Dedicated to Uncle “Pete”)


Anonymous said...

It is such a relief to read this- as one needs peace so badly. Isn't life strange how people interpret certain feelings.
It is such a beautiful happy poem.

Anonymous said...

In my heart I know that such a beautiful complicated snowflake is at peace with God because God makes all things. Hooray, peace at last...