Wednesday, January 25, 2012


 He strode toward the podium
Confident n' smiling broadly;

As before...he spoke of change
For good folks like you n' me
Hollow words, distant n' strange
Sugared lies 'twas plain to see

He promised reform n' justice
Promised jobs n' lower taxes
Promised to hold banks accountable
Whilst Neo-Cons honed battle axes

He promised to work with red n' blues
Promised to repair bridges, highways n' streets
Promised to unite Muslims, Christians n' Jews
Promised to keep Zion nursing on U.S. teats

Promises...promises so carefully selected
False promises, that he may be re-elected

(Obama's second term yielded very little)


Amburger said...

He will say anything to get re-elected, and as long as people are woo-d with empty promises then the viscous cycle will continue... :-/

Anonymous said...

This is all supernatural. He has not done one thing for America. There will be a forerunner. Time is near. Believe and keep the faith. Pray for time!