Saturday, June 30, 2012


I knew an old witch with a 4 eared kitty;
Who lived in a haunted house near the city.
She kept a bearded dragon in the cellar,
A lizard when angry, could be a mean feller.
One day, just for spite he ate the old biddy!


Limerick inspired by Eva

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


It was a quiet morning;
As usual my wife Laureen opened the front door (leaving it open wide) in hopes that the cat would follow her out. (Little did she know that a small intruder had flown in through the open door.) After retrieving the morning newspaper, with coffee mug full of steaming coffee Laureen settled into
her morning ritual, with “Neferkitti” (our cat) snuggled on the bar stool next to her.

Suddenly there was a flutter and thump as a tiny wren flew into a window in the dining room.
The bird fell to the floor momentarily stunned. Taking advantage of the moment, with great speed and agility Neferkitti pounced on the helpless bird. Mouthing the bird softly, she presented her catch to her master. Horrified Laureen admonished the cat, screaming “Let her go”. With great reluctance the cat dropped the bird on the floor. After a few moments the bird flew up to a tall cabinet, where she landed to assess her predicament.

At this time I was laying in bed reading, when I heard Laureen shout loudly “Ray get in here there is a bird in the house'. I slipped on a shirt, grabbed my glasses, and walked in just as the bird took flight and landed on the rail leading to my upstairs office. Walking up the stairs slowly I reached for the perched bird who quickly flew back down to the family room. Not seeing where she landed I searched the room. Suddenly she flew into a large picture window in the family room. The confused bird sat on the sill looking out of the window. I approached the bird, who made no attempt to fly off. I reached down, and with cupped hands gently picked up the traumatized bird. She chirped once and settled into my warm hands.

Making my way to the sliding door that leads to the outside deck I stepped out and opened my hands to release the bird. Gripping the index finger of my right hand she was reluctant to fly. I stood there, and time froze.

Our eyes met, and I felt the impact of what was happening;
From the wren's perspective here stood a god-like giant with the power of life and death over her. From my perspective there perched on a single finger was a tiny creature who I could crush with hardly any effort. In that brief moment we were both experienced the miracle, diversity and fragile nature of life.

“All creatures great and small”

Walking over to a bench on the deck and with palm up I waited for the bird to step off onto the safety of the bench and freedom. She gripped even more tightly, as if she'd found safety in my hands. With my left hand I gently coaxed her off my right hand onto the bench, where she stood looking around. She made no effort to fly away, so I went back through the door, closed it and stood watching, hoping that she was not seriously injured.

While walking up the stairs to my office I heard Laureen (who'd been watching) exclaim loudly;

“She just flew away”!

Gratified...I went up to my office to write an account of this magical and humbling event.


Sunday, June 24, 2012


The cradle of human-kind began in Mu
A great Continent in the Pacific Ocean
Alas, religion/science facts misconstrue
Fail to see the truth;
By reading ancient texts and glyphs
Should they have the slightest notion

Great Mu destroyed by cataclysm
By earthquakes and volcanic fire
She sank beneath the sea;
Civilization reduced to animalism
Remnants of a once great empire

Proof abides in temple stone;
Carved in Hawaii to Easter Island
In a language heretofore unknown
As scribes rest ‘neath ocean sand

Eons passed;
Ambitious men clawed their way back
To once again establish religion/science
With errant ways they despoil and sack
After rogue Nations form unholy alliance

Soon “Mother Earth” once more unseats
Mankind who fails to see history repeats


Saturday, June 23, 2012


Sun doth rise and crowns your head
With a brilliant diadem of golden light
The orb sets at your feet, aglow in red
The rising moon greets you come night

Arianna! “My queen of the desert”
From a land far away, to the South
Altho’ thoughts of you bring comfort
I long to kiss your crimson mouth

When all our worldly toil be done
Divided souls shall once again unite
When God-Spark within sees activation
Spirits’ set free shall then take flight

Rejoice beloved! The day draws near
Nothing need be done save persevere


Thursday, June 21, 2012


Beloved! I dreamt of you last night;
I saw you frolicking in a grassy glen
Alas, all too soon my soul took flight
Awakened now I write with cyber-pen

Are dreams as real as they seem?
Are we but bodiless spirits freed?
Where events can be subtle or extreme?
Questions begging answers I concede!

Today let us make a solemn pact
To meet in dreamland come night
Where reality plays with abstract
Where Infinity magnifies the finite

Soaring high the Face of God we’ll see;
His Hand will surely touch us…Lovingly



How many times, how many ways,
Have I expressed my love for you?
Never have my feelings gone astray
Altho’ others tried my love subdue

Beloved! Come sit here by my side
Let us liberate once fettered passion
We’ll waste no time on foolish pride
With just one kiss, love we’ll fashion

Heaven and Earth may pass away
But this love shall endure forever
Only our twin-souls we need obey
A bond no sword could ever sever

Let what God has joined as one
Be a joyous wedding celebration


Wednesday, June 20, 2012


In these changing times I must ask,
What are your priorities my friends?
As great travail brings us all to task,
When the world as we know it ends

Is it money and possessions you need?
Or is it time to “Get it right with God”?
As time begins moving at light-speed,
On bended knees it’s Him we must laud

Those who gnash their teeth and curse,
Shall be allowed their suffering and vices
For it’s not God’s will to compel or coerce,
He’d rather leave men to their own devices

At the “End of days” all shall be revealed
All is brought to light that was concealed


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


A teenage boy entered his apartment
Followed by a hostile bunch of cops
Who barged right in, without assent?
Shot “Ramarley” dead…left a corpse

(End police brutality and random murders)


Ra-Sun god
Mar- Ocean
Ley-Ancient Path

Monday, June 18, 2012


Slavery is a bane to all mankind
As been so throughout the ages
After every invasion, slavery you find
Plain folk confined in rusting cages

Not long ago;

Spanish punished with rods and whips
Friars and Jesuits demanded toil
Later Europeans;
Kidnapped Africans, moved in ships
To waiting hands who did be-spoil

Today debt be the slavers tool
Usury/foreclosure the banker’s norm
With trickery and inflation they fool
Complaints met with men in uniform

More misery to come ‘lest more awaken
With “Debt amnesty” quickly declared
Evil deeds end when tree is shaken
With truth and justice no longer spared


Sunday, June 17, 2012


Takes too much energy to lie, cheat and steal
A drain when a person’s true feelings conceal
Better to speak truth and treat people square
Everyone wins when everyone plays fair;
Life then becomes a pleasure, not an ordeal


Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Vain her threat and earnest petition, Raven held her in his wrath
As the celestial Buddha once captured, fair “Rokini” in his path

By his left hand (tremor shaken) Raven held her streaming hair
By right hand, the ruthless demon lifted high the fainting fair

Unseen dwellers of the woodland watched the dismal deed with shame
Witnessed the might-armed demon, abduct the poor and helpless dame

Seat her in his craft, yoked with hawks winged with speed
Golden in its shape and radiant, as fleet as Indra’s steed

Angry threats and malice Raven to her ears addressed
As the struggling, fainting Sita he held still upon his breast

Sita’s plea for mercy was in vain, “Rama! Rama! She cried
To the dark, dismal forest where her noble lord had hied

Then arose Rama’s craft celestial o’er hill and wooded vale
Like a snake in eagle’s talons, Sita writhed and she did wail

The pitched and deadly battle lasted, until Rama in his ire
Wielded he a dreadful weapon flaming with celestial fire

Wrapped in smoke, the flaming flashes, sped from Rama’s bow
Pierced the iron-heart of Raven and laid the lifeless demon low

(From Romesh Dutt translation, edited by ROTMS)



“The lesser of two evils” is but a game
Played ‘tween twin-factions of corruption
It matters not whom two "Parties" name
Fed-Agenda continues sans interruption

(Vote your conscience, write in vote)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


World’s youth, in diverse places
Wander streets lost or aimless
Angry n’ devoid of social graces
Too overwhelmed to heal duress


Monday, June 11, 2012


It’s not mine to expect you should believe me
Intimacy is sharing depth of soul with one you trust
“Matters of the heart” are not without a bit of agony
So scrutinize n’ question my motives if you must


Sunday, June 10, 2012


Time moves on, best take a chance,
To reach for true love without delay
For affection, intimacy n’ romance,
The longing in my heart I shall obey


Friday, June 08, 2012


Black hearts hide ‘neath black dresses
‘Whilst being called “Father and Priest”
“Abstinence makes Church grow fondlers”
So upon the naïve n’ innocent they feast


Wednesday, June 06, 2012


The road of life is mostly smooth
At other times it can be quite curvy
When all goes well we’re in the groove
Just as fast things go all “Topsy-turvy”

Don’t sweat the small stuff
For all that is, is meant to be
Smile when things get rough
Laugh in the face of absurdity

Life is short, and not so tough;
For in the end it’s all small stuff