Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Vain her threat and earnest petition, Raven held her in his wrath
As the celestial Buddha once captured, fair “Rokini” in his path

By his left hand (tremor shaken) Raven held her streaming hair
By right hand, the ruthless demon lifted high the fainting fair

Unseen dwellers of the woodland watched the dismal deed with shame
Witnessed the might-armed demon, abduct the poor and helpless dame

Seat her in his craft, yoked with hawks winged with speed
Golden in its shape and radiant, as fleet as Indra’s steed

Angry threats and malice Raven to her ears addressed
As the struggling, fainting Sita he held still upon his breast

Sita’s plea for mercy was in vain, “Rama! Rama! She cried
To the dark, dismal forest where her noble lord had hied

Then arose Rama’s craft celestial o’er hill and wooded vale
Like a snake in eagle’s talons, Sita writhed and she did wail

The pitched and deadly battle lasted, until Rama in his ire
Wielded he a dreadful weapon flaming with celestial fire

Wrapped in smoke, the flaming flashes, sped from Rama’s bow
Pierced the iron-heart of Raven and laid the lifeless demon low

(From Romesh Dutt translation, edited by ROTMS)


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