Sunday, December 22, 2013


There once lived an evil king,
In the ancient “Land of Nod”
Lived a life of splendor,
Wore murdered father’s signet ring

Self proclaimed demi-god;
Tribute came from near ‘n far
Was greatly feared;
For being cruel ‘n unjust
He never spared “The rod”
One day to Nod;
A stranger came
To call upon the king
Regal ‘n handsome,
With hint of danger
“My Lord I come from afar”
My name is Thoth!

Thoth spoke these words;
“Being  immortal for many ages,
I’ve seen the rise ‘n fall
Of many kingdoms,
Verily I say to you;
My book has many pages”
“Majesty I bring glad tidings
‘Lest thou refuse me heed;
Free thy subjects from harsh bindings,
Heal old wounds that still do bleed”

“Provide shelter; clothe ‘n feed the destitute
Pay well those of able body for their toil,
Let all who work this land bear fruit
Ensure that every lamp be full of oil”
“Act now;
This land shall truly flourish;
For a thousand generations!
Through the love of a grateful many;
Thy hungry soul shall surely nourish”
A flash of anger crossed the king’s face
“Who is Thoth, to tell me what to do?”
“Before my court I’ll put this man in his place.”
“I’ll punish him, (although his words be true.)
Thoth stood before King Exxidar in silence;
 Sunlight thru yonder pane shone upon his face
With lowered eyes Thoth showed compliance
He knew humbling before a king was no disgrace
Exxidar’s mouth went from frown to smile;
He knew by Thoth his rule had been tested
There was nothing in this man he could revile
The king knew with Thoth he had been bested
The king raised his voice, and did decree
“Stay a while, my Sage and counsel me”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it. Great poem. The king got lucky or it was pre destined.