Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Before reluctant sun arose one summer’s morn
Her lithe and warm body lay naked next to me
On downy pillow her flaxen locks did then adorn
Intense heat of passion filled me, “Oh, sweet agony”

Hungry hands explored the fullness of her landscape
I felt the roundness of her breasts, a nipple I did pinch
Ere long, my veil covered heart she did undrape
She moaned with pleasure, and gave a subtle flinch

Two bodies merged in bliss, all else did fade away
Nothing on earth or God Himself dared to interfere
I in her and her in me our love we would not betray
Our sacred act must be guiltless and without fear

Fifteen minutes of ecstasy, as lovers fulfilled as one
She morphed into a silver Moon and I a central Sun


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