Saturday, June 11, 2011


I am a raven
Freer than a breeze
Beholding to no one
Doing what I please

I am a raven
Watch me fly
Aeries are for eagles
Not me!
Don’t ask me why

I am a raven
Eating what I please
Sleep anywhere I want
Have no one to appease

I am a raven
You’d better let me by
I’m a bit combative
Might pluck out an eye

I am a raven
Better left alone
Unless inclined to marry
Have ravens of mine own

I am a raven
Feathers black as coal
Robbery my stock in trade
Stay clear
I may steal your soul


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My My, this poem moves one to deliberate. Fortitude is the answer. I AM A RAVEN is lacking pity, frightening and demonic. IT must have suffered thousands of years but man will conquer IT, although, IT has stolen many souls.
What a beautiful haunting image of man and beast. I think this is a great poem.