Friday, June 03, 2011


After I give up this body and leave Earth,
Who’ll be standing by my cold grave?
As those left before cannot shed tears of grief
That is left to the living who long ago forgave,
The error of my ways, in this life so brief

When spirit lifts skyward, troubles left behind
A few may shed tears of remembrance
For deeds of mine, good and kind
Unnoticed acts of little consequence?



Anonymous said...

"Tears of Remembrance"
We all wonder about this. Our lives -as they say, "It is what it is" and only God knows the answer to this bitter sweet poem. It makes one want to be kind to all but we are only human beings.

Anonymous said...

This poem is beautiful and sad all in one. No one will ever know except God about our
Unnoticed acts of little consequence. We will find peace as our journey skyward begins.