Thursday, June 23, 2011


Seems Obama has regained his ability to hear
In light of pending election for a second term
Getting ousted from White House his biggest fear
So more empty promises ‘til votes confirm

Promises to reduce armed forces to pre-surge levels
Withdrawals ‘til 2014 when again “Afghans’ self-govern”
“By then we’ll have killed Bin Laden and Taliban devils”
“Then we begin mining there for precious metals”

We know this politician is lying when he speaks
We know this man will say anything to get elected
By using deception n’ other nefarious techniques
More of the same…
Unless Obama’s ploys are detected and corrected

Wake up Americans, before it’s too late
The next 18 months determines our collective fate


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. There is alot more than meets the eye. Is the image a look alike? Does he smoke? So much is going on that it makes one wonder what ever happened to the good old times. Very good and to the point also.