Saturday, October 29, 2011



Walk along any crowded city street
See vacant stares on a sea of human faces
How stiff they walk on frozen feet
Of long forgotten social graces

Is passion within a human heart now gone,
As far as knowing eyes can see?
Is love and joy no longer paragon?
Oh Lord, why won’t they look at me?

Thy passion “Vincent” helps them take wing,
As paint on canvas did so long ago
Lovely are the words your paintings sing,
As if by magic, vivid flowers seem to grow

Soon, God’s Hands shall touch our hearts again,
The long forgotten buried and the walking dead
Made afresh…what was once arcane
The Will and Love of God shall again embed

Countless souls shall embark on upward flight,
None shall rest until they reach Eternal Light

(This revised poem was inspired by poet MKP)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The embodiment of this writing is sad but the ending is glorious. We all need God's touch - the Will and Love of God is (true rest).
This beautiful image-of vivid flowers...will be in the great Kingdom. Watch and Wait!