Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Beloved you only pray in times of stress or need.
Forget not to pray for the joy and abundance you already have.

Prayer is but the expansion of your self into the Cosmos.
If it is for your comfort to pour darkness into space,
It should also be your delight to pour out the dawning of your soul.

If you cannot but weep when your soul summons you to prayer,
Trust that after weeping you shall find laughter.

When you pray you rise to meet in the air others who pray.
And you recognize each other in sweet communion.

Know that when you enter prayer with no other purpose than asking,
For the sake of asking you shall not receive.

Be invisible and pray not before men.

Beloved I cannot teach you how to pray with words as,
You have but to allow God to speak through your lips.

If you but listen to the stillness of the night you shall hear;

“Father your will is our will”

We need not ask for anything, because you know our needs before us.
Father you are our only need, for in giving of yourself you gives us everything.

(Inspired by Kahlil Gibran)


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